Benchmark - Q7801

Benchmark Number Q7801
Established In 1999
Condition GOOD
Latitude 46.666944
Longitude -71.766667
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description CCG convex bronze tablet stamped Q-7801, set horizontally in the north pillar (Jacques-Cartier landmark). The BM is located on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, about 1.8 km east of the Cap-Santé wharf. It can be accessed across from 160 Route 138, on foot by a path, from the sand quarry or by car in dry weather. It is located 0.42 m from a beacon on the north leg of the landmark, 0.41 m below the top of the pillar, 77.05 m from marker 76K0134, 0.30 m from the southwest corner of the pillar, 16.10 m from the southernmost rail and 3.0 m below the rail.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2001-10-10 6.532 ACTIVE CD